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RDB Connect

The easy way to access remote data from the IBM i

RDB Connect allows your IBM iSeries (AS/400) to remotely access & share remote data from:
DB2, SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, Access and more!

DB2, SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Access

How RDB Connect Helps You

RDB Connect empowers you to access data from multiple sources effortlessly, whether it’s databases, FTP File Servers, APIs, spreadsheets, cloud services, or legacy systems. Developers will have robust API’s for integration & customization, rock solid data security and lightning fast transfers to help boost productivity across your organization. Whether you are in finance, healthcare or logistics, RDB Connect can adapt to any industry with a low cost solution.

RDB Connect will run on an IBM iSeries (AS/400) with an operating system version of V6R1M0 and above. It requires an IP connection/Host Name to the remote server that is running the database that you want to access.

Download RDB Connect Today!

Note: RDB Connect 5.0 requires systems to be running Java 1.6 or greater for better performance and compatibility (RDBConnect 5.0 also works with Classic JVM). Check what Java version is installed on your IBMi system. From the IBMi command line run the command: Java *version
  • Menu driven interface
  • Improved functionality
  • Import & Export remote data, to and from the IBM i
  • Use RDB Connect APIs to execute SQL queries for access to remote data
  • RDB Connect Menu for quick access to commands
  • Manage Remote Systems
  • NEW - Seamless error handling
  • Allows any SQL query to be run
  • Can be used in batch or interactive programs
  • Communicate with remote databases directly from RPG, COBOL, or CL programs
  • Transfer data from IBM i to a remote Database
  • Transfer ISO Dates from IBM i
Note: After installing RDB50, the RDBSBS will be running under the RDB50 library. If you are upgrading your RDB40 and want to continue running RDB40, end RDBSBS (ENDSBS SBS(RDBSBS) OPTION(*IMMED)) and restart it (STRSBS SBSD(RDB40/RDBSBS)).

RDBConnect 5 Highlights

Configure RDBConnect & DropBox



You can’t make data-driven decisions with incomplete information. Together, NGS and ProData help you access, transfer, query, analyze, present, and share data wherever it’s stored - all from the IBM i.

RDBConnect & NGS Webinar 2020




Case Studies/Whitepaper


"We love DBU RDB! ProData has RDB for DBU database utility / file editor which allows you to do a DBU on the remote database, where RDB Connect allows you to connect to the remote database using a CL or RPG program. Plus, their support is world - class!"
Bruce Collins, AAA Cooper Transportaton


"We needed to test RDBConnect with the new server without impacting production. I worked with Alex on this and his support was exceptional (in fact, he's always been super responsive whenever I've reached out for assistance). "
Richard Oshlag, ACBL